Schedule an Appointment

To book your first appointment, please send an email to

To make the process go easier and faster, please fill in the details with the format given below.

After you contact us, we will forward you an introductory email that shall provide you with an informed context that will briefly describe the therapeutic process and confidentiality policies that we practice. Following that, we shall provide you with appointment availabilities based on your convenience.

We have noticed that on occasion, our response email can be mistakenly directed to your spam/junk folder instead of your inbox. We request you to check your spam/junk folder along with your inbox for response email.

All contact via email/phone is confidential. Sessions are scheduled by appointment only.

First Name

Last Name

Your Message

Briefly Describe your concerns

Contact Number

How would you like us to contact you?: (email or telephone)

If you wish for us to contact you via telephone, please also let us know what would be a good time to contact you